Our Therapists

Dr. Oshra Cohen
Dr. Oshra Cohen, Director

Director: Oshra Cohen, Ph.D

Dr. Oshra Cohen earned her B.A in Psychology at McGill University and her M.A and Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, Health Emphasis from the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology at Yeshiva University. She is the Director of Cognitive Behavioral Health Psychology, LLC, a private practice which specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with offices in Manhattan and Rockland County, NY. In addition, she is part of the Guidance Department at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls. Prior to that, Dr. Cohen worked at The New York State Psychiatric Institute, served as a clinical health psychologist at CAPS of Rockland County, and was an adjunct faculty member at Stern College and at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology.

“The ABCs of Behavioal Modification in the Classroom: You can’t change that which you don’t know” (May 2017). Faculty training at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School.

“Habits: How to Create Good Ones and Change Bad Ones in our Students and Ourselves” (April 2016), Faculty training at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School.

“Depression in the Classroom” (March, 2015). Faculty training at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School.

“Anxiety in the Classroom” (April, 2013). Faculty training at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School.

Barnhart, J.M., Cohen, O., Wright, N., Wylie-Rosett, J. (2006). Can Non-Medical Factors Contribute to Disparities in Coronary Heart Disease Treatments? Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 17, 559-574.

Cohen, O., Rubin, R., Suchday, S. (2006, February). Sociotropic Cognitions and Levels of Spirituality. NEFESH International Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Barnhart, J.M., Cohen, O., Alvarez, A., Sanchez, S. (2005). Is Perception of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Associated with Health Behaviors in an Inner City Population? Journal of Internal Medicine. (Abstract in Press).

Barnhart, J.M., Cohen, O., Kramer, H.M., Wilkins, C.M., Wylie-Rosett, J. (2005). Awareness of Heart Attack Symptoms and Life Saving Actions among New York City Area Residents. Journal of Urban Health, 82(2), 207-215.

Cohen, O., & Suchday, S. (2005). The Effect of Sociotropy and Cognitive Rumination on Blood Pressure Reactivity. 2nd Annual Yeshiva University Behavioral Sciences Student Research Conference, NY, NY.

Sweet, R., Cohen, O., Suchday, S. (2005). Sociotropic Cognitions and Levels of Spirituality. 2nd Annual Yeshiva University Behavioral Sciences Student Research Conference, NY, NY.

Barnhart, J.M., Cohen, O., Alvarez, A., & Sanchez, S. (2005, May). Is Perception of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Associated with Health Behaviors in an Inner-City Population? 28th SGIM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Cohen, O., (2005). Medication Adherence and Spirituality in HIV/AIDS Patients. NEFESH International Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Barnhart, J.M., Walker, E.A., Cohen, O., Smoller, S.W. (2004). A Novel Measure of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Perception in Postmenopausal Women. Circulation, 109, 51E.

Knauper, B., Rabiau, M., Cohen, O., & Patriciu, N. (2004). Compensatory health beliefs: Theory and measurement. Psychology and Health, 19(5), 607-624.

Cohen, O., Alm, M., Viswanathan, V., & Soroudi, N. (2004, April). Teenways: A Motivational Program for Overweight Adolescents. Yeshiva University Behavioral Sciences Student Research Conference, NY, NY.

Barnhart, J.M., Charney, P., Cohen, O., Houghton, J., Lewis, V., Merkatz, I. (2004, March). Primary Care Physicians’ Attitudes and Knowledge of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Prevention in Women. 27th SGIM Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Barnhart J.M., Walker, E.A., Cohen, O., Wassertheil-Smoller, S. (2004, March). A Novel Measure of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Perception in Postmenopausal Women. 44th Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention. San Francisco, CA.

Barnhart, J.M., Cohen, O., Bennet, A. (2003, February).  Awareness of Heart Attack Symptoms and Appropriate Responses to Cardiac Arrest in New York Area Communities. AMA conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Knauper B., Cohen O., Patriciu, N. (2002, January). Compensatory Health Beliefs. The Social and Personality Conference, Savannah, Georgia.

Dr. Rayzel Yaish

Rayzel Yaish, Ph.D

Dr. Rayzel Yaish earned her B.A. in Pre-Med and Psychology from Stern College, and received her Ph.D. In Clinical Health Psychology from the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology at Yeshiva University. Dr. Yaish is the Director of Guidance at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls. She has worked with teens and special health needs population of all ages for many years as Head Counselor both at Camp HASC and Camp Simcha. Dr. Yaish consults and presents workshops for local and national organizations on topics related to mental health, general health and the specialized needs community.